
長恨歌 [ Song Of Endless Sorrow ] Part 4




Suddenly came the news of war from the north,
Some people took advantage of the carnival time in the palace
and quietly launched their mutiny.
The war gradually spread to the palace and many innocent people died.
Being caught off guard,
the emperor and the princess were protected by the army,
they went south to take refuge.

Some started to spread the words:
“That princess must be a witch!
Born on this world to bewitch our son of dragon
and cause the fallen of our nation.
We must blame her for everything.”

Away from the palace,
The whole army stopped and was not willing to keep moving forward anymore.
They asked to punish the princess that they thought was an evil spirit.
The emperor was helpless but there was nothing he could do.
So he watched her beloved princess dragged away in front of him,
He shed the tear of heartache.

( to be continue.)


( a summer deja vu )

“It’s funny about love,” Sophia said. “The more you love someone, the less he likes you back.”
“That’s very true,” Grandmother observed. “And so what do you do?”

"這倒是真的," 奶奶說。"那妳怎麼辦吶?"
“You go on loving,” said Sophia threateningly. “You love harder and harder.”
"只好繼續愛下去," 蘇菲亞不甘示弱地說著。" 妳要更用力地越愛越多。"
Her grandmother signed and said nothing.

from "The Summer Book" by Tove Jansson


這就是我看完the summerbook這本書之後的感覺,或可以說是唯一的感想了。我沒有完全的明白它,這是一個夏天裡頭,老奶奶和六歲的蘇菲亞(還有在一直在畫外的爸爸)在一個島上的生活,但是其實什麼故事情節也沒發生,不過其實所有的事情都正在發生。晨泳,為愛而死的水鳥,建造一個迷你的威尼斯,寫一本關於蚯蚓的書,養一隻沒有教養的貓咪卻深愛著牠,一個不說話的朋友,謎樣的一件浴袍,睡在帳篷裡的回憶...種種。奇怪的是看這本書的時候,我一直想著,我是否在很久以前有讀過這本書呢?為甚麼這一切都給我一種很熟悉的感覺,而且也許這本書是我讀過最美麗的一本書也不一定。我想我會很快地要再重讀這本書吧。


finished reading The Summer Book. the wired thing is i keep having the thought of "have i read this sometime somewhere already? how come i feel i have seen the sence before?" it's almost like having a deja vu.

i think i will reread this book very soon but now it's time for me to reread all my eight moomin books now :)



--- Moomins :
the complete Tove Jansson Moomin Comic Strip

禮拜收到了我的四本姆米漫畫書,超大尺寸裡頭全都是原版的tove jansson的姆米插畫,像是身處在夢境一般,捨不得一口氣,花了四五天才慢慢把它們讀完,把這套書捧在手上的感想,只有幸福兩個字啊!細細地觀察插畫裡的世界。(六月的時候會出版最後一本歐。)

謝謝妳Tove Jansson,從十歲的我開始就陪伴在我的生命中。在這個春夏秋冬的開著奇妙花朵的山谷,也許對別人是充滿奇想一般的世界,對我來說卻是熟悉不過,姆米托魯,司那夫金,史尼夫全都是我最想念的好朋友,我們終於又在一起了。



要繼續收集Tove Jansson的作品。

然後還要開始存錢,來去芬蘭吧。去看看moomin world裡頭的姆米房子,看看真正啟發Tove Jansson的景色吧。我一定要去。


got my four new moomin books last Sunday,i was sooooo surprised by their over sized! overload with Tove Jansson's original illustrations,it's a dream come true for me to own these books,i feel like living in a dream while reading them during the week! there's nothing better than these,they are the best treasures ever!

thank you Tove Jansson,for being a part in my life since i was the age of ten.when i read about Snorkmaiden joins a beauty competition i laughed so hard and couldn't stop,i can't even remember when is the last time i had a laugh like that. finally my sorrow had came to an end and i feel i can deal with the rest from now on since i have all my old friends from moomin valley back.

and i have new dreams now. i want to create something so wonderful and perfect too. who said ( me?) perfection doesn't exist? Tove's work of art is perfect. i want to draw and write more,to have something i can be proud of too.

and i want to collect more of Tove's books and more ,i want to start to save money to have a trip to Finland,to see the moomin world,and the place that inspired my favorite artist. i have to go,i want to make my dreams come true.

happy chinese new year. maybe for once we don't have to move forward. how about going to the basic place and rediscover some of your strength,since we must lost it somewhere while we were bravely pursuing the so called dreams and love ? finally today is the day for you to start all over.there's still so much to learn ,so much task for you to finish. try to look at yourself in a new way,to love yourself. for it is your own world and no one else's.


( plastic bags )

因為我本來就是一個愛物的人,所以這些年來收集了很多東西。Jeffrey Fulvimari的插畫商品,喜歡的電影的雙碟版dvd,彼得兔的立體書。 又想是因為個性使然,很喜歡東西嶄新的模樣,於是越是心愛的物品越是保護,除了第一次細細觀看的時候,要小心自己的指紋不要留在碟片或書皮上,連呼氣都不敢太大力。最後還要用一個特別去買的塑膠袋套起來封起來。好像是一個神聖儀式一般只有在這個時候才會覺得自己已經擁有這樣物品了,簡直是一個癖。






I am not ashamed to say that actually i am a nerd, all these years i have been collecting the things i like,such as beautiful picture books,two disc special edition DVDs,collectible toys..etc. because i cared about and loved them very much,so i was always very careful with them.usually after every first watch or read,i had to be careful not to leave my fingerprints on the disc or the book cover.and i used a new and shinny plastic bag that i bought to wrap them so i could keep the mint condition. then,i felt i actually "own" this stuff.

As a matter of fact i love them so much that i want to read it everyday and watch it all the time or be with it every moment,but because it is so precious to me i think,ok, well ,i will just save it for a better day when i have a better mood and perfect timing and nice weather then i can truly enjoy it again. so sometimes i enjoy "looking at my stuff though the dusted plastic bag " and imagine the near mint item inside. but to avoid the troubles of getting it out and putting it back in the bag again,i just let them stay there ( i am still waiting for the perfect day to enjoy it anyway.) and feel good about owning them.

But that kind of day never came.

The thing i love and protect so well became the thing i keep distance with. i think i read the lousy magazine that has always been on my shelf a lot more,i actaully rather waste my time on those things i don't really care for than spenting time on the things i want to enjoy over and over again. and i was stopped by what,my own mysophobia or perfectionism or these stupid plastic bags!!? and sometimes it was so sad,i even lost my interests in them while they were also still waiting for the perfect day to be taken out ,the only good thing to think of this is when i auctioned them off they usually sold for a good price because they were still like brand new.

Today when i was organizing my bookshelf , it's not because i finally realize the true meaning to enjoy life or understand how to let go or whatever...i simply just thought these plastic bags were annoying me to no end,so i tear them all and let all my precious collectible books ( some for almost ten years) exposed to the humid air and i put them back to the shelf bare and plan to browse them as much as i can from now on,because i always wanted to do that! i am not going to looking for perfection that doesn't excist anymore. i own them don't i ? i am not keeping it clean and perfect for their next owner,they are mine and will always be mine,because i LOVE my stuff!

ear reader,do you have those kind of plastic bags like me? get rid of them right now!

my brother is back from the trip to japan today and got me these cool stuffs! ( i collect disney's beauty and the beast stuff ),and NO plastic bags for these,they all go into my big plastic boxes for safty storage. lol


( paper bird )



才明白 其實不能擁有它
於是想,真正讓它飛翔後,心情一定 一定會很輕鬆吧。



是時候啦 啦啦啦

祝福它飛得更高 更遠些。




It was a piece of blank white paper
for you to dream
or do whatever you want

You tried so hard to make it real
folded the shape and put it in your own hands
now you can feel the temperature and hear the sounds
Suddenly all the memories take wings
they dance
they want to fly

Then you realized you can't own it after all
so you said to yourself
"After i set it freei will be really free too."
but unexpectly it has already became
something that you treasure very much.

So when you learn to let go
the pain from the tiny papercut
becomes real

How i wish
to hold it tightly but gently once more
to tie a line on it's tail and trace it

but since it is so real now
it doesn't belong to part of your fantasy anymore
so you can't fool yourself anyhow either.

It's time to set it free la la la

Even it is light as a feather
you will fall after all if you linger
how about making a wish and hoping
there is a wind somewhere
and hope it can fly so much higher and further without you

Maybe it will be ruined by a rainy day and fall on the ground,
or maybe on a fine autumn day
someone catches it and he might say

"Where does this thing come from?
it is such a delicate and innocent paper bird."

the original drawing

Wallpaper bird ( 1024*768)


長恨歌 [ Song Of Endless Sorrow ] Part 3




In his palace,
the emperor owned more than three thousand concubines
but he didn't lay his eyes on them anymore
because in his heart there's only one princess now.

Not only building his beloved princess a golden bedroom
he also brought all her family into the palace
and took very good care of them.
At that time,
the parents in the country
all hoped that they could give birth to a girl as beautiful as Princess Yang,
so they could live a luxurious royal life,too!

Every day and night there were singing and dancing,
the emperor and the princess enjoyed their life as a big party,
what a joyful time it was!

For the emperor loving her so much,
the princess also loved him very much in return.
(to be continue)


長恨歌 [ Song Of Endless Sorrow ] Part 2




In the coldness of the spring time,
the princess washed her snow white skin in the hot spring,
all the maids were around her just to serve her alone.

The princess had a favorite for one kind of precious fruit called La chi,
the emperor knew about this,
he sent the fastest horse toward the south to collect the fruits,
when they reached to the princess' hands,
some said they can even still see the dew is still on the ruby like fruits!
and everybody knew that how much the emperor spoiled
the new beauty in the palace.

the emperor thought the princess
as his most precious belonging,
he was bewitched by her
and didn't want to leave her side for a moment.
little by little,
the emperor even stop to care about his own empire's business.

(to be continue)


長恨歌 [ Song Of Endless Sorrow ] Part 1


她是來自楊家的女兒。 皇帝深深為她著迷,


Once upon a time,

there was a emperor who was looking for
the most beautiful girl.
After years of searching, he still couldn't find her.
Until one day, he saw the daughter from the Yang family.

The emperor fell for her deeply right away
So he welcomed her to his palace and made her a princess.

The Princess was so beautiful just like a white peony,
when she moved, she was the petals swinging in the wind,
all the beauties compared to her were no longer beautiful.

(to be continue )
寬螢幕版桌布 wallpaper (widescreen 1600*900)

[ intro for the SONG OF ENDLESS SORROW ] 長恨歌之前

Before i start the illustration posts for "Song Of Endless Sorrow",i thought i might introduce the background of it a little bit. The poem "Song Of Endless Sorrow" was written by the great Chinese poet Ju-Yi Bai (i found a picture of him from google!) in the year 806 ( it was also the Tang Dynasty of China ). Bai once visited a temple with his friends and was inspired by the local tale of the tragic love story between the emperor and the princess ( which was a total real event!) so he wrote this famous masterpiece. ( this story in China is so famous that it can rank with Mulan for sure.)
For this poem is written in extremely beautiful Chinese, i have no intention to translate it into English for sure,(besides it really is behind my ability to do that!) so i decide to rewrite the story based on the poem.(but i will try to keep the original spirit of the story.) so the English story you read here is done by me based on the poem. i think it will be more like a picture book story,for i am not a great English writer. ( as you can tell by now from reading this,i don't even speak perfect English!) but if this series of work inspires you to look for the real original poem,or gives you the interests to learn more about the story or anything,then it will be my pleasure. besides i just started so i have no idea how this will turn out. but for sure i hope i can finish it and i hope you will like it :)

so far i will post about this series in this blog,so be sure to come back and check it out ,it will all be under the tag for "Sorrowsong長恨歌",so if you click it you can see all of them together,because of the blog form,the latest one will be the first post so you have to read it backward if you want to read it from the start. but in the future i might put them in order in another blog or space. enjoy it :)

