

--- Moomins :
the complete Tove Jansson Moomin Comic Strip

禮拜收到了我的四本姆米漫畫書,超大尺寸裡頭全都是原版的tove jansson的姆米插畫,像是身處在夢境一般,捨不得一口氣,花了四五天才慢慢把它們讀完,把這套書捧在手上的感想,只有幸福兩個字啊!細細地觀察插畫裡的世界。(六月的時候會出版最後一本歐。)

謝謝妳Tove Jansson,從十歲的我開始就陪伴在我的生命中。在這個春夏秋冬的開著奇妙花朵的山谷,也許對別人是充滿奇想一般的世界,對我來說卻是熟悉不過,姆米托魯,司那夫金,史尼夫全都是我最想念的好朋友,我們終於又在一起了。



要繼續收集Tove Jansson的作品。

然後還要開始存錢,來去芬蘭吧。去看看moomin world裡頭的姆米房子,看看真正啟發Tove Jansson的景色吧。我一定要去。


got my four new moomin books last Sunday,i was sooooo surprised by their over sized! overload with Tove Jansson's original illustrations,it's a dream come true for me to own these books,i feel like living in a dream while reading them during the week! there's nothing better than these,they are the best treasures ever!

thank you Tove Jansson,for being a part in my life since i was the age of ten.when i read about Snorkmaiden joins a beauty competition i laughed so hard and couldn't stop,i can't even remember when is the last time i had a laugh like that. finally my sorrow had came to an end and i feel i can deal with the rest from now on since i have all my old friends from moomin valley back.

and i have new dreams now. i want to create something so wonderful and perfect too. who said ( me?) perfection doesn't exist? Tove's work of art is perfect. i want to draw and write more,to have something i can be proud of too.

and i want to collect more of Tove's books and more ,i want to start to save money to have a trip to Finland,to see the moomin world,and the place that inspired my favorite artist. i have to go,i want to make my dreams come true.

happy chinese new year. maybe for once we don't have to move forward. how about going to the basic place and rediscover some of your strength,since we must lost it somewhere while we were bravely pursuing the so called dreams and love ? finally today is the day for you to start all over.there's still so much to learn ,so much task for you to finish. try to look at yourself in a new way,to love yourself. for it is your own world and no one else's.

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